Investiture with Sacred Thread
The primacy of knowledge in the Indian way of life made the Upanaya Sanskara an unavoidable rite of Passage. The literal meaning of Upanayana is ‘to bring close to’ or ‘to bring near’. This Sanskara should be performed when the aspirant is between eight to twelve years of age. This sanskara attracts the attention of the student to discipline and self-restraint.
Significance of Rituals
Upnayan(Janeyu) tradition is the part of an education procedure, which provides to a child at a particular age, it is also part of upbringing of Child, it is known as Upnayan Sanskar.Religious reason
There are three knots in it which is mark of three chief Gods of Hindu’s Bramha,Vishnu And Mahesh.
One feels steady that the god always with me in form of Janeu, I am the offspring of god. Yagyopavita is a symbol of god existence with holder (who holds Janeu) which inspires a man to avoid misdeeds.Scientific Reason
When a man goes to toilet, he hangs and folds Janeu over the right ear
There is a blood vessel named Lohitika on right ear, it is pressed (acupuncture) by Janeu, it helps to release urine and opening bowel freely and reduces the diseases related to them.Upanayanam was performed traditionally before the boy starts his study of Veda i.e Vidyarambham. It acts as a stepping stone for leading a life of Brahmachari in the service of Guru studying Veda and other subjects. Ages are specified in Manu-smriti as 8 for Brahmins, 11 for Kshathriyas, 12 for Vaishyas (Manu Smriti sloka 2:36).
There is a Tantra aspect to the concept as well. The three strands represent the three main Nadi’s Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The knot signifies the Bramha Granthi – the first knot encountered while raising the Kundalini shakti (the divine energy) situated in the Muladhara chakra.
The thread is worn from left to right because the Ida nadi (signifying the moon) runs from the Muladhaara on the right and ends on the left side of upper part of the body (at the Ajna chakra and the thread can only rest on the shoulder and not any further up).
The Ida side is chosen because the Ida Nadi controls the mental functions of the brain and is responsible for contemplation, meditation and worship.
During the Upanayana ceremony, the student is initiated into the Gayathri mantra as the first mantra for his lifelong spiritual quest and final emancipation. The Gayathri mantra is a moksha pradana mantra and not meant for acquiring material benefits and hence this mantra is taught.

The Pujas I Perform
- Seemantonnayana (Rite to Establish Intelligence in the Embryo)
- Jatakarma (Thanksgiving for safe birth)
- Mundan (Shedding of natal hair)
- Upanayana (Investiture with Sacred Thread)
- Vivah (Marriage)
- Shri Satyanarayan Katha
- Shiv Pooja
- Ganesh Pooja
- Durga Pooja
- Shanti Havan
- Gayatri Havan
- Vastu Havan (Housewarming Ceremony)
- Tulsi Vivah
- Graha Shanti
- Mandap Muhurt
- Horoscope preparation
- Kaal-Sarp Dosh Pooja
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